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Frequent Asked Questions

Where is AFR-SG located?

We do not have an physical office.

If you wish to collaborate with us or support our movement, its best that you drop us an email at We will get back to you within 5-10 working days.

How is AFR-SG funded?

We rely on venue sponsors, individual funders and sale from our AFR-SG merchandise to support our local advocacy and campaign efforts.

Can I intern/ volunteer with AFR-SG?

We are always on the lookout for volunteers to support our mission!

If you have specific skills or would like to contribute to a specific area of our work, please send us a Letter of Motivation along with your resume, to

Are there job opportunities with AFR-SG?

As a humble ground up movement, we do not have any paid positions available. If you wish to contribute voluntarily, please submit your interest in this form here or send us a Letter of Motivation along with your resume, to